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Performance Comparison of SAR Image Speckle Noise Removal Algorithms

by Yonatan Nagesa, S. Nagarajan, Fikiru Negesa
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Yonatan Nagesa, S. Nagarajan, Fikiru Negesa

Yonatan Nagesa, S. Nagarajan, Fikiru Negesa . Performance Comparison of SAR Image Speckle Noise Removal Algorithms. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 18 ( Jul 2021), 14-19. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921525

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title = { Performance Comparison of SAR Image Speckle Noise Removal Algorithms },
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%A Fikiru Negesa
%T Performance Comparison of SAR Image Speckle Noise Removal Algorithms
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SAR images have achieved a prominent position in the arena of remote sensing and satellite technology. This SAR images can captured in any weather either its day or night, cloudy or sunny. SAR images will find many applications in image processing, it has many application in resource management, agriculture, mineral exploration and environmental monitoring. The useful information of the SAR image also was affected with speckle noise. The noise that corrupt the SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images were affects the appearances of the image is multiplicative or granular speckle noise. Accordingly, for such speckle noise kinds different speckle noise removal method were available. The most significant method that used to remove speckle noise from SAR image is filtering technique. The SAR image speckle noise is sometimes suppressed by removing a speckle noise, using removal filter algorithm on the image before display and further analysis. To do this Median, Guided Filter (GF), Lee, Box, Adaptive or Wiener filter algorithms were used and their performances were compared in PSNR, SNR and MSE and from those all used algorithms the GF achieves better performance in high PSNR value of 37.8342.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Filtration Algorithm SAR Speckle Noise Multiplicative Noise.