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Artificial intelligence (AI) General Adoption Factors: A Systematic Review of the Literature

by Debashish Roy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Debashish Roy

Debashish Roy . Artificial intelligence (AI) General Adoption Factors: A Systematic Review of the Literature. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 14 ( Jul 2021), 38-49. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921469

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AI is rapidly changing the overall technology and business world by introducing basic automation tools to game-changing solutions like a driverless car, Amazon Go etc. Tech companies are pioneers in adopting AI. Non-tech companies are also racing for AI adoption. Sometimes companies are facing wait or adopt syndrome because of a lack of information on the AI adoption status and where their peers are heading to. Also, companies that are planning or recently started their AI journey without an effective AI adoption strategy are facing significant roadblocks. There is minimal research done on finding AI adoption factors& strategy in recent years. The purpose of the study is to conduct a systematicliterature review for identifying important general AI adoption factors that can help the Technologyleaders to understand the current AI ecosystem & build effective AI adoption strategies for their organizations. DEFINITION OF TERMS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Artificial intelligence (AI), is also sometimes known as machine intelligence. It is a form of intelligence that is demonstrated by machines. It is in contrast to the natural intelligence that is portrayed by humanbeings and some animals. In the area of computer science, AI research refers to the study that is related to intelligent agents. They are the devices that can perceive their environmental setting and further take action to maximize the chance of accomplishing the intended goals. In other words, AI is the technology where a machine can mimic the "cognitive" functions that are demonstrated by human beings, like problem-solving and learning. TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION It is a process thatbegins with the awareness of a specifictype of technology and ultimately progresses through diverse stages. It ends when technology is either adopted or rejected. Strategy: It refers to a plan or a method selected to bring about an intended future,like accomplishing a goal or finding a solution to anissue.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Artificial intelligence Technology Adoption Strategy