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Data Processing in Software Defined Radio (SDR) based Multiband Transceiver

by Amit Naik, K. Krishna Naik
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Amit Naik, K. Krishna Naik

Amit Naik, K. Krishna Naik . Data Processing in Software Defined Radio (SDR) based Multiband Transceiver. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 12 ( Jun 2021), 34-36. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921431

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title = { Data Processing in Software Defined Radio (SDR) based Multiband Transceiver },
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%T Data Processing in Software Defined Radio (SDR) based Multiband Transceiver
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Different types of wireless communication technologies use different wireless frequency bands. We are experiencing many working tasks at same time. In this paper data processing for various frequency bands in a multiband transceiver is elucidate. Different types of input data are created by vector signal generator (SMU200A) with the frequency range of 100 KHz to 3GHz.Data is effectively communicated through multiband transceiver Simulink model. At the receiver end data can be successfully recovered by linking through the Real-time signal analyzer (RSA6114B)(9KHz- 14GHz) or using RTL 820T2 SDR Dongle with the frequency range of 25 MHz to 1800 MHz with a span of 2.5 MHz .Proposed multiband transceiver is proficient of transmitting and receiving data at different frequencies. Lastly, the outcomes acquired are presented in the graphical system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Processing Frequency Multiband Software Defined Radio (SDR) Transceiver