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Digital Storytelling as a Tool for Developing Computer Science Soft Skills in Elementary Learners: A Perspective from a STEM based Informal Learning Environment

by Temitope Olokunde
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Temitope Olokunde

Temitope Olokunde . Digital Storytelling as a Tool for Developing Computer Science Soft Skills in Elementary Learners: A Perspective from a STEM based Informal Learning Environment. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 10 ( Jun 2021), 8-15. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921394

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The research explored the influence of digital storytelling as a tool for developing computer science soft skills in elementary learners. Such skills include: problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, team work, memorization, communication and computational thinking. This was conducted in an informal learning environment(ILE ) in the form of an after school program among elementary learners. The findings from the study indicate that informal learning and digital storytelling were beneficial to the elementary learners in the exploratory case study. The research questions were answered based on qualitative data from on-site data sources (interviews, observations and field notes). The study engaged elementary school children in STEM-related activities and digital storytelling in an afterschool program. Digital storytelling is viewed as an approach for enhancing children’s expression of their STEM learning experiences via the use of digital devices such as I-pads and laptops. Research in this study investigated the following hypothesis: Digital storytelling, when infused in an afterschool program, changes how elementary students think about computer science and STEM education. To assess this hypothesis, research in this study responded to two questions: 1. How does digital storytelling develop computer science soft skills among elementary learners? 2. How does informal STEM learning and digital storytelling affect viewpoints created by elementary learners?

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital storytelling Elementary learner Informal learning Computer Science