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A Process for Requirement Reliability in Goal Oriented Development by Enhancing (i*) Framework

by Israa Abdulrauof Othman, Sallam Osman Fageeri, Talab Alsamani A.
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 182 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Israa Abdulrauof Othman, Sallam Osman Fageeri, Talab Alsamani A.

Israa Abdulrauof Othman, Sallam Osman Fageeri, Talab Alsamani A. . A Process for Requirement Reliability in Goal Oriented Development by Enhancing (i*) Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 182, 7 ( Aug 2018), 13-20. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917644

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title = { A Process for Requirement Reliability in Goal Oriented Development by Enhancing (i*) Framework },
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issue_date = { Aug 2018 },
volume = { 182 },
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%A Israa Abdulrauof Othman
%A Sallam Osman Fageeri
%A Talab Alsamani A.
%T A Process for Requirement Reliability in Goal Oriented Development by Enhancing (i*) Framework
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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This paper proposes a process for requirement reliability in goal oriented development by enhancing the (i*) framework, which is one of the main GORE techniques (KAOS, NFR, i*), it used in the first phase of the system development life cycle, in the requirements engineering phase. The (i*) framework relies mainly on social modeling that come to replace (KAOS) and this feature is distinguished from the rest of the GORE techniques, although it lacks an important feature in KAOS. The study aims to add that feature in the model in order to increasing the efficiency, thus develop more powerful and reliable software systems. We developed an enhanced (i*) framework by adding a layer to deal with the obstacles by finding a set of alternative solutions. The developed model was applied to a set of (Google DOCS) properties as a case study. The results evaluated using DESMET methodology reveal that and enhanced (i*) framework outperform (i*) framework in awareness representation feature giving 5 marks compared to the (i*) which is giving -3.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Requirement Engineering Requirement elicitation GORE KAOS NFR i*