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Reseach Article

A Design review of Smart Stick for the Blind Equipped with Obstacle Detection and Identification using Artificial Intelligence

by Balu N. Ilag, Yogesh Athave
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 182 - Number 49
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Balu N. Ilag, Yogesh Athave

Balu N. Ilag, Yogesh Athave . A Design review of Smart Stick for the Blind Equipped with Obstacle Detection and Identification using Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Computer Applications. 182, 49 ( Apr 2019), 55-60. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019918768

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Visually impaired individuals find it more challenging to move about independently because of their compromised vision. Moreover, a blind person’s capacity to navigate in a given setting, along with their ability to organize their daily activities are vital to their health and wellbeing. Organizing any commonplace activity can be especially difficult for a blind man/woman if he/she has not learned to distinguish between different items like drug containers and packaged goods, just by feeling with the hands. The more saddening fact is that there are tens of millions of visually impaired persons worldwide who have to go through such experience and are dependent on others for their wellbeing and happiness. The encouraging news, however, is that the rapid advancement in technology has seen the innovation of better systems for assisting the disabled, including the blind, such as the AI glasses, which can provide intelligent navigation capabilities to the blind. This paper reviews the design of a smart cane, i.e., A smart stick for the blind, equipped with obstacle recognition using AI Technologies adds more virtual visibility in their journey. It shows that such a stick can be a significant boon to the blind.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Unified Communication System (UCS) UC application.