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Free Convective Visco-Elastic MHD Flow and Heat Transfer with Radiation

by Sajal Kumar Das
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 182 - Number 39
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Sajal Kumar Das

Sajal Kumar Das . Free Convective Visco-Elastic MHD Flow and Heat Transfer with Radiation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 182, 39 ( Feb 2019), 32-40. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019918494

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An analysis of the steady free convective flow and heat transfer of a visco-elastic fluid confined between a long vertical wavy wall and a uniformly moving parallel flat wall has been presented. The x axis is taken along the length of the walls while the walls are given by y=εcos(Kx) and y=d. A uniform magnetic field is assumed to be applied normal to the flat wall. The equations governing the fluid flow and heat transfer have been solved by perturbation technique subject to the relevant boundary conditions. It is assumed that the solution consists of two parts, a mean part and a perturbed part. The long wave approximation has been used to obtain the solution of the perturbed part and to solve the mean part the well known approximation used by Ostrach [1] has been utilized. The perturbed part of the solution is the contribution from the waviness of the wall. Expressions for the zeroth-order and first order velocity, temperature, non-dimensional skin friction at the walls and pressure drop are obtained. The first order velocity, pressure drop, and skin friction coefficient have been presented graphically to observe the visco-elastic effects in combination of other flow parameters involved in the solution.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Free convective visco-elastic perturbation technique Prandtl number skin friction radiation.