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Android Application for Disaster Recovery

by Supriya Badwar, Mayuri Shirore, Shweta Shinde, Ashwini Pawar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 182 - Number 34
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Supriya Badwar, Mayuri Shirore, Shweta Shinde, Ashwini Pawar

Supriya Badwar, Mayuri Shirore, Shweta Shinde, Ashwini Pawar . Android Application for Disaster Recovery. International Journal of Computer Applications. 182, 34 ( Dec 2018), 13-15. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018918188

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We design how to use networks with smart phones for providing communications in disaster recovery. By lessening the communication gap among different kinds of wireless networks, we have designed and implemented a system, which provides Android phones the capabilities on communications in disaster helper. Application consists of two components: a messaging system between rescue worker and the victim and a self-rescue system. The messaging system between rescue worker and victim integrates cellular networking enables proper communication. The self-rescue system finds different communication network ways for trapped survivors. Such a group of Android phones can cooperatively get a notification and send out emergency messages in an energy-efficient manner with their location and position information so as to help rescue operations. We have implemented application as a prototype application on the Android platform and deployed it on all types of smartphones. We are creating application with a centralized server for communication. First for the admin who will monitor victim and rescue worker and other two for rescue worker and disaster victim.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Smartphones Routing Disaster Recover Wi-Fi Bluetooth