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Improved Weight based Web Page Ranking Algorithm

by Megha Bhawsar, Shraddha Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 182 - Number 29
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Megha Bhawsar, Shraddha Kumar

Megha Bhawsar, Shraddha Kumar . Improved Weight based Web Page Ranking Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 182, 29 ( Nov 2018), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018918080

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title = { Improved Weight based Web Page Ranking Algorithm },
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Web page ranking is a technique to optimize the search engines for finding the more relevant content according to the user search query. In this context the web pages are evaluated in such manner by which the appropriate position of a web page is decided in a World Wide Web graph. In literature several web page ranking techniques are available but most of them requires significant amount of time and memory resources for evaluation of web page rank. Therefore, the proposed work is motivated for designing and development of the efficient technique of web page rank. The proposed web page rank evaluation technique is a weight-based page rank technique. The weights are basically the page rank value based on which the web pages are organized on web graph. To compute the web page rank in the proposed technique the web page TF (Term Frequency), IDF (Inverse Document Frequency), Inbound and Outbound links are considered. Therefore, the proposed technique utilizes the techniques of web structure mining and web content mining for developing web page rank of a given web page. After computation of the considered factors the combined weight for all web pages are computed and most higher weight-based page is ranked first for any given query. The implementation of the proposed web page rank computation technique is performed on visual studio technology. After implementation of the proposed technique the performance of system is measured in terms of time and space complexity. In addition of that the experimentation is extended for finding the optimal weighted factor therefore it is concluded that the weighting factors 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 is the most suitable weighting factor for web page rank calculation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


web page ranking web graph weighted page rank optimal weighting factor selection implementation and performance evaluation.