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Reseach Article

Webapp Effort Estimation using Cosmic Method

by Ahmed Thair Ahmed, Dujan B. Taha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 182 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Ahmed Thair Ahmed, Dujan B. Taha

Ahmed Thair Ahmed, Dujan B. Taha . Webapp Effort Estimation using Cosmic Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 182, 2 ( Jul 2018), 33-40. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917473

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title = { Webapp Effort Estimation using Cosmic Method },
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%T Webapp Effort Estimation using Cosmic Method
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Effort estimation is the important task in project planning phase in software industry. The process is complex as the complexity and size of software to be built. In the conventional software, there are many classical techniques have been used for effort estimation purpose. These techniques are not suitable to be applied on Webapp development because of the difficulty of sizing software in Webapp and the huge amount of data. In this work we proposed an algorithm for estimating the effort of Webapp software using COSMIC function point combined with the conceptual model of the software which is data based driven from Webapp. The method focuses on the extensive of data movement in the software which may be elicited from the conceptual model. For this purpose 19 Webapps with their conceptual models are used for effort estimation. Effort estimation model was built using cubic regression model and accuracy indicators such as MRE, MMRE, MdMRE, and Pred(0.25) were used to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Webapp Effort estimation COSMIC method COSMIC function point(CFP) functional process