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The Impact of Social Media Characteristics on Customer Purchasing Process: A Field Study at Jordanian Universities Students in Amman

by Ali Hussein Aldhaym, Mohammed Atwah Al-Ma'aitah
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 182 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Ali Hussein Aldhaym, Mohammed Atwah Al-Ma'aitah

Ali Hussein Aldhaym, Mohammed Atwah Al-Ma'aitah . The Impact of Social Media Characteristics on Customer Purchasing Process: A Field Study at Jordanian Universities Students in Amman. International Journal of Computer Applications. 182, 19 ( Oct 2018), 41-50. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917963

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This study aimed to investigate the impact of the social media characteristics on the customer purchasing process. The study population included the Jordanian universities students in Amman. A 5 Likert scale questionnaire was developed and managed electronically to collect the data for analysis. A convenience samples consisted of (406) students was used. The statistical analysis method was used and conducted by SPSS software. The main finding revealed that there is a statistical significant impact of social media characteristics on customer purchasing process. This study came with several recommendations; Companies who use social media should focus on increase conversation with and among customers through being more responsive to customers’ queries and focus on trigger customers to establish conversations about their products and services. Companies should be super honest in the information that provided about products and services and make sure that information consistent with the information provided by other customers which contribute to increase customer trust the company. Finally, Companies should utilize the feature of social sites to improve customer confidence in e-procurement.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Social Media Characteristics Customer Purchasing Process Universities Students.