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Rapid Application Development Model used Social Media Content Marketing in the Growth of National for Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA)

by Esti Wijayanti, Evanita
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 182 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Esti Wijayanti, Evanita

Esti Wijayanti, Evanita . Rapid Application Development Model used Social Media Content Marketing in the Growth of National for Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). International Journal of Computer Applications. 182, 16 ( Sep 2018), 33-36. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917844

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Tofu companies that have been selling their products by using conventional methods, are very difficult to market their products by using existing information technology information can spread quickly. The development of technology for marketing in this modern era is also very fast. Conventional feats of meeting buyers and sellers to make transactions. One solution to disseminate information is by sticking brochures whose contents concern the quality of production goods, information from neighbors and benner. The current title is in demand in modern society is by utilizing internet technology, that is through the website (website) that can be accessed all over the world. This website can be used as marketing promotion tool of umkm production in Kudus.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Social media content marketing Unified Modelling Language UMKM