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Securing Videos using Selective Encryption and Watermarking using HAAR

by Anchal Monga, Anubhooti Papola
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 182 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Anchal Monga, Anubhooti Papola

Anchal Monga, Anubhooti Papola . Securing Videos using Selective Encryption and Watermarking using HAAR. International Journal of Computer Applications. 182, 14 ( Sep 2018), 19-25. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917730

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Demand for videos has grown many folds in the recent past. They can be used for many purposes ranging from educational purposes to entertainment. With the demand comes the fear of the videos being misused or tempered with and the authors denied of the income as the pirated videos can go viral. In the previous researches, watermarking is viewed as the solution for the problem of securing videos. Watermarking is a process of entrenching hidden signals into the data being transferred. The security of videos in present days becomes the key issue in the field of technology and research. Due to the day by day increase in the number of cases of piracy and cloning, the need of more secure and robust system arises. This work focuses on the need of securing videos for different purposes which can broaden its services. The proposed method (SVSEWH) focuses on selective selection based on costing and prime numbers. The videos are first read frame by frame the features of frames are stored and costing calculated with the previous frame. The encryption applied here is the selective encryption in which improvised genetic algorithm is used. The frames qualifying the costing criterion are encrypted using an improvised genetic algorithm and then the prime frames qualifying as prime numbers are watermarked using HAAR transformation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Selective Encryption Watermarking HAAR Algorithm Video Encryption.