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Effective Bug Triage with Data Reduction

by S. R. Birajdar, H. B. Torvi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 182 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: S. R. Birajdar, H. B. Torvi

S. R. Birajdar, H. B. Torvi . Effective Bug Triage with Data Reduction. International Journal of Computer Applications. 182, 10 ( Aug 2018), 28-31. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917717

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As human beings we all make mistakes and these mistakes are reflected as defects in the software product. These defects make the software fail which are due to our limitations as human beings. When the testing is done, the reasons for failure are identified and the defects are found. Then the defects are corrected. This is an iterative process- you need to test the software, fine defect, correct the code, and test software again. The defect has to be removed by developer. To remove defect which is not easy, Most of the organization spend 40% of cost to remove defect. The process of fixing or remove bug is bug triage. Remember every mistake in manual bug triggering, even those rated with the least priority. In order to reduce time, manual boom trials are applied to price, text classification techniques to take automated bug triage. In this paper, deal with the problem of data reduction for bug triage, i.e., how to reduce the scale and improve the quality of bug data. For the same combine instance selection and feature selection to reduce data scale on the bug dimension and the word dimension.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Bug Triage Bug Report Instances Selection Feature Selection Data Reduction