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Reseach Article

MAC Issues in Mobile Ad-hoc Network

by Khushbu, R. K. Bathla and
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 181 - Number 46
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Khushbu, R. K. Bathla and

Khushbu, R. K. Bathla and . MAC Issues in Mobile Ad-hoc Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 181, 46 ( Mar 2019), 39-43. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019918629

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Medium access control is a Protocol. It's arrangement of tenets or proccess to proficient utilization of shared medium, for example, remote, by various client. There are many of Issues of MANET( Mobile AD-Hoc Network) with MAC Layer. MAC layer is a lower sub layer of data-link layer. MAC layer is concerned with per link communication. Impact in MAC layer is the Major Issues in remote Transmission. It enables a few hub in system to share the medium utilizing the channel get to control components. Specially appointed remote systems present more noteworthy difficulties than framework remote systems at the MAC layer. so nonappearance of a unified controller. Macintosh conventions classes into two general classifications of conflict free and dispute based MAC conventions. MANETs have their unique constraints and characteristics. Macintosh conventions embody rule for efficient access to remote shared medium assume basic job in the conclusive and reasonable sharing of rare remote data transmission. The idea of the remote channel brings new issues like time shifting channel, area subordinate transporter detecting, and blasted blunders. Medium access control (MAC) conventions are a functioning point in nowadays, which organize the efficient utilization of the restricted shared remote asset. Be that as it may, in these remote systems, the restricted remote range, time-shifting spread qualities, appropriated numerous entrance control, low unpredictability, and vitality requirements together force significant challenges for MAC convention configuration to give dependable remote correspondences high information rates.

  1. Chandra Parkash “ AD-HOC wireless Medium Access Protocol ”
  2. Dr. Baruch Awerbuch & Amitabh Mishra “Medium Access Control Protocols for Ad-hoc Wireless Network.”
  3. Chandra Prankish “Ad-Hoc wireless Media access protocol”
  4. Sunil Kumar, Vineet S. Raghavan “Medium Access Control protocols for ad hoc wireless networks: A survey”.
  5. Ajay Chandra V. Gummalla And John O. Limb “Wireless Medium Access Control Protocols”
  6. Ahmed. A. Hadi , Zulkarnain Md. Ali, Yazan Aljeroudi “Improved Selfish Node Detection Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Network”.
  7. Alok Dwivedi and Gaurishankar Prajapati “Study of Congestion Control in Multi-Flow in MANET”
  8. Ali Dorri and Seyed Reza Kamel and Esmail kheyrkhah “curity challenges in mobile ad hoc networks: a survey”layer Designs for Mobile Ad
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MANET AD-HOC Data link layer MAC Layer Wireless Transmission