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Designing a Multi-Purpose Fuzzy Model for Human Resource Management in Production Systems

by Nasibeh Emami
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 181 - Number 29
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Nasibeh Emami

Nasibeh Emami . Designing a Multi-Purpose Fuzzy Model for Human Resource Management in Production Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 181, 29 ( Nov 2018), 5-11. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018918101

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In today's industrialized world, production is one of the key pillars of the country's progress and plays a decisive role in the economy of nations. Proper management of production systems can dramatically increase system productivity and create a good economic benefit for the manufacturing system. Human resources are one of the most important sources in each production system that play an important role in the productivity and efficiency of the production system. Also, human resources can boost other resources in a production system. So human resource management is very important and necessary. In this paper, a multifunctional fuzzy model for human resource management in production systems is presented. This multi-purpose fuzzy model has been implemented by MATLAB software and the results have been implemented on a real production system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Production Systems Human Resources Fuzzy Model Productivity