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Tri-copter Drone Modeling with PID Control Tuned by PSO Algorithm

by Nada M. Ali Ahmed, Muna Hadi Saleh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 181 - Number 25
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Nada M. Ali Ahmed, Muna Hadi Saleh

Nada M. Ali Ahmed, Muna Hadi Saleh . Tri-copter Drone Modeling with PID Control Tuned by PSO Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 181, 25 ( Nov 2018), 46-52. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018918060

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title = { Tri-copter Drone Modeling with PID Control Tuned by PSO Algorithm },
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%T Tri-copter Drone Modeling with PID Control Tuned by PSO Algorithm
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The tri-rotors1 are more recent kinds of drones, as compared with the mostly used quad-rotors1 because of the numerous special characteristics over the other types of multi-copters. Many technical features specialize tri-copters like small volume that is useful in slender places, light weight, extended battery existence, and agility in translation and turns. In this paper, (single tri-rotor) design is theorized and the nonlinear mathematical model is derived completely by Newton-Euler formula then the Proportional1-Integral1 and Derivative1 (PID) controller1 is utilized to control the rotational and translational equations1, six PID controllers are used for six Degrees of Freedom (DOF) equations of the model with the associated parameters are tuned by Particle1 Swarm1 Optimization1 (PSO) method to minimize the whole Integral1 Time1 Absolute1 Errors1 (ITAEs) for the tri-rotor model and the effects are gained by Simulink1 in MATLAB1. The results were satisfactory with the stability of the system and with little delay."

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Tri-rotor Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm Integral Time Absolute Error Proportional-Integral-Derivative control Cost Function