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Lexicon based Sentiment Analysis of Parent Feedback to Evaluate their Satisfaction Level

by Bhagyashree Gore, Anita N. Chaware
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 181 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Bhagyashree Gore, Anita N. Chaware

Bhagyashree Gore, Anita N. Chaware . Lexicon based Sentiment Analysis of Parent Feedback to Evaluate their Satisfaction Level. International Journal of Computer Applications. 181, 12 ( Aug 2018), 29-34. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917708

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It has become important to measure the quality of output of the teaching learning process. There is huge research going on improving the teaching learning process. Among the many one is to take the feedback of all the stakeholders of the education system. Along with the Students' feedback, Parents feedback is also one of the important evaluation factors while considering the evaluation of the teaching learning process of the Institute/ University and can be taken using any of the existing and effective channels of communication. This helps the parents get involved in decisions making of the institute / University, which further helps to build strong relationships between the parent and the university encouraging the involvement in the students learning and progress. In this paper we have collected the feedback in the textual format in paragraphs and is analyzed using lexicon based sentiment analysis approach to identify the parents positive or negative attitude. The tool designed is collecting the parents textual feedback automatically and analyzes it using lexicon based approach to predict the level of Satisfaction of the parents w. r. to institute/university. A database of English sentiment words is created for reference in the domain of satisfaction level with the opinion score assigned to it. We extracted data from parent’s comments and then analyze the level of positive and negative opinion. The opinion result of parents Satisfaction on teaching learning process is represented as to whether strongly positive, positive, strongly negative, negative, or neutral.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Opinion mining sentiment analysis parents feedback lexicon based polarity