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Reseach Article

Landslide Hazard Maplies using Anbalagan Method and TOPSIS

by Muh Joko Umbaran H. B., R. Rizal Isnanto, Oky Dwi Nurhayati
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 180 - Number 52
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Muh Joko Umbaran H. B., R. Rizal Isnanto, Oky Dwi Nurhayati

Muh Joko Umbaran H. B., R. Rizal Isnanto, Oky Dwi Nurhayati . Landslide Hazard Maplies using Anbalagan Method and TOPSIS. International Journal of Computer Applications. 180, 52 ( Jun 2018), 42-46. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917376

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Landslide disaster is the biggest disaster that can cause many casualties. to anticipate the lending land disaster that often occur in Indonesia made a public web bebasis application that can inform the area prone to landslides. The problem often faced is the identification of landslide-prone areas so that when landslide disaster occurs there are still many casualties. The purpose of this application is to determine the location of landslide-prone areas by using Anbalagan method and ranking based on TOPSIS as well as providing information to the public about areas prone to landslides. The method used in this research is anbalgan method with tehkni overlay and ranking method for TOPSIS. Making this Application using PHP programming language (Hypertext Prepocessor) and MySQL database. The results of this study is a public web that is useful to provide information to the public about avalanches that are prone to landslides..

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


TOPSIS Method Anbalagan Method Overlay Technique Landslide Web.