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Analyzing the Bitmap Image File and Extracting Different Bit Patterns for Compressing the Image File using Distinct Colour Codes

by Apurv K. Pandya, C. K. Kumbharana
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 180 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Apurv K. Pandya, C. K. Kumbharana

Apurv K. Pandya, C. K. Kumbharana . Analyzing the Bitmap Image File and Extracting Different Bit Patterns for Compressing the Image File using Distinct Colour Codes. International Journal of Computer Applications. 180, 5 ( Dec 2017), 17-20. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017916027

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title = { Analyzing the Bitmap Image File and Extracting Different Bit Patterns for Compressing the Image File using Distinct Colour Codes },
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issue_date = { Dec 2017 },
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Graphics image files can be stored in different file formats. One of the most general form is bitmap image format. Bitmap file format is an uncompressed form of image consisting of matrix of pixel constructing the image. BMP (24bit) represents each pixel in set of 24 bits comprising of RGB(Red, Green, Blue). Where BMP(32bit) represents one additional byte of alpha for transparency/opaque. Researcher identified redundancy of colors and made model to compress BMP(24bit) file. A model is developed to list all unique color of the image and store only index of these unique color instead of the whole 3 RGB color. The compression performance is based on number of unique colors and width-height of the image. In this paper researcher has made an effort to extract such bit patterns representing the pixel and then using such different bit patterns determines the total number of colors represented in image. Once the number of color is found it is possible to compress the file by grouping similar colors with exact pixel positions. Paper is prepared based on the research to analyze the image file and then compressing it. The model demonstrated here for 24bit file and at last concluded with tradeoff, improvements and limitation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image Processing Bitmap format Graphics file format Digital Image Processing Image Compression Color code RGB Color model Bit Matrix.