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Design of Modified Stewart Platform for Solar Tracing Applications

by N. Mohammed Abu Basim, Nishant Sharma R., Ashwindh Vignesh A., P. B. Dinesh, I. Ajith
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 180 - Number 38
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: N. Mohammed Abu Basim, Nishant Sharma R., Ashwindh Vignesh A., P. B. Dinesh, I. Ajith

N. Mohammed Abu Basim, Nishant Sharma R., Ashwindh Vignesh A., P. B. Dinesh, I. Ajith . Design of Modified Stewart Platform for Solar Tracing Applications. International Journal of Computer Applications. 180, 38 ( May 2018), 33-40. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917018

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Parallel connection is an exceptional case, where the links and joints are formed in a sequential manner these chains join the base of the manipulator with the end effectors. Stewart Platform is a form of Parallel Manipulator which has a six-degree-of freedom, in parallel linkage. It is utilized in diverse applications requiring linkages with high structural stiffness.. Stewart Platform consists of a rigid platform supported by six variable length struts. Every set of six strut lengths defines a unique, fully constrained position of the platform. Using the strut lengths as controlling input, the position and orientation of the end effectors can be controlled as output.  Each leg includes a prismatic joint with ball-joint connection to the base and coupler, respectively. There are almost 64 different configurations; the Stewart Platform can be modified.  Here, we try to redefine and redesign the traditional Stewart Platform and use it for very specific application in tracking the sun’s radiations. The process is done by using Arduino Controller to control the platform with respect to Azimuth angles

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Parallel Manipulators Stewart Platforms Prismatic Joint Azimuth Angles Arduino Controller