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A Review on Pedestrian Detection in the Vehicle Dashpot and Surveillance Camera Video Footage

by B. Thiyaneswaran, K. Anguraj, P. Keerthana, D. B. Ramya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 180 - Number 34
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: B. Thiyaneswaran, K. Anguraj, P. Keerthana, D. B. Ramya

B. Thiyaneswaran, K. Anguraj, P. Keerthana, D. B. Ramya . A Review on Pedestrian Detection in the Vehicle Dashpot and Surveillance Camera Video Footage. International Journal of Computer Applications. 180, 34 ( Apr 2018), 40-43. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018916890

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Automation plays an important role in the universe. The automation is having more impact in vehicle. A pedestrian detection is required for advance d driver assistance system and security surveillance system. The video is captured using camera which may fit in the vehicle dashpot or CCTV footage fitted in home or industry. The videos are converted into frames. The frames are analyzed and further pedestrian is detected using image processing techniques. In this paper, the review is carried out using the recent research work. Around 20 numbers of papers are taken for the review. The various techniques used in the pedestrian detection such as histogram oriented gradient method, SURF, SIFT, LDA are gathered using the review. The various classifiers required to identify the person or detecting the pedestrian are analyzed. The various hardware implementations used in the recent research is discussed. The recently achieved accuracy and error rate are analyzed using the review.

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  10. Wenhua Fang, Jun Chen, and Ruimin Hu. 2017 Efficient Pedestrian Detection in the Low Resolution via Sparse Representation with Sparse Support Regression, LNAI 10235, pp. 313–323.
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  18. Wen-Chang Cheng, Ding-MaoJhan. 2013 A self-constructing cascade classifier with AdaBoost and SVM for pedestrian detection, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, 1016-1028.
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  23. B Thiyaneswaran, A Saravanakumar, R Kandiban. 2016 Extraction of mole from eye sclera using object area detection algorithm, Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (Wispnet’16), IEEE Xplore, 1413-1417, DOI: 10.1109/WiSPNET.2016.7566369
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Security survilence Modulating neural network YOLO Caltech KITTY INRIA