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Digitalizing Personality Tests using Model-View-Controller [MVC] Framework

by Sheetal R. Vij, Neil Tatke, Vineetkumar Pillai, Pankaj Sangle, Sanket Raje
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 180 - Number 33
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Sheetal R. Vij, Neil Tatke, Vineetkumar Pillai, Pankaj Sangle, Sanket Raje

Sheetal R. Vij, Neil Tatke, Vineetkumar Pillai, Pankaj Sangle, Sanket Raje . Digitalizing Personality Tests using Model-View-Controller [MVC] Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 180, 33 ( Apr 2018), 42-46. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018916841

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title = { Digitalizing Personality Tests using Model-View-Controller [MVC] Framework },
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%A Sheetal R. Vij
%A Neil Tatke
%A Vineetkumar Pillai
%A Pankaj Sangle
%A Sanket Raje
%T Digitalizing Personality Tests using Model-View-Controller [MVC] Framework
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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The HSPQ (High School Personality Questionnaire) test originally was paper-pencil based and the process of result generation was very time consuming. Hence, with the aim of fast execution and fast report generation, we used the concept of Model-View-Controller, which is an architectural platform to digitize these personality tests. Personality is a psychological construct aimed at explaining the wide variety of human behaviors, in terms of few, steady and measurable characteristics. The following paper discusses the exploratory factor analysis and gives an overview on the statistical technique used to design simple but efficient personality tests.

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  7. Giuseppe Riva, TizianaTeruzzi, Luigi Anolli. The Use of the Internet in Psychological Research: Comparison of Online and Offline Questionnaires Cyber psychology and Behavior, Volume 6, Number 1, 2003.
  8. Adam W. Meade, Lawrence C. Michels, Gary J. Lautenschlager. Are Internet and Paper-and-Pencil Personality Tests Truly Comparable? An Experimental Design Measurement Invariance Study Organizational Research Methods, Volume 10, Number 2, April 2007, 322-345
  9. Zhao Qiao-fang, Li Yong-fei. Research and Development of Online Examination System 2nd International Conference on Computer and Information Application(ICCIA 2012)
  10. Vincent Greaney and Michael 0 Martin. An Assessment of the HSPQ as a measure of the personality structure of irish post-primary school pupils. The Irish Journal of Education
  11. Robert J. Drummond. A review of the High School Personality Questionnaire. Journal of Counseling and Development / December 1986 / Vol.65.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Sten scores raw scores norm tables specialized stencils human traits.