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Reseach Article

An Android based Information System for Cargo Delivery

by John Rarui Ngugi, Allan Odhiambo Omondi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 180 - Number 33
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: John Rarui Ngugi, Allan Odhiambo Omondi

John Rarui Ngugi, Allan Odhiambo Omondi . An Android based Information System for Cargo Delivery. International Journal of Computer Applications. 180, 33 ( Apr 2018), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018916810

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title = { An Android based Information System for Cargo Delivery },
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This research investigates the problems related to the logistics industry specifically the trucking industry. It implements the solutions in form of an Android mobile application. The transport industry is one of the biggest industries in Kenya. With Kenya holding the ports via which landlocked countries such as Uganda import goods, the development of the standard gauge railway offers stiff competition to the trucking sector. In addition to this, the move by the internet service providers to extend their coverage and the dropping prices of smartphones increased the number of people with android phones and internet access in Kenya. To enable the solution offered by the research to have a positive impact and high adoption rate, the project implemented its solution in the form of an android application. The project took an object-oriented approach in its analysis and design taking the rapid application development methodology to ensure minimal errors and continuous improvement.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Trucking transportation mobile application finger travel distance.