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Mining Frequent Patterns of Crime using FP-Growth with Multiple Minimum Supports based on Shannon Entropy

by George Matto, Joseph Mwangoka
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 180 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: George Matto, Joseph Mwangoka

George Matto, Joseph Mwangoka . Mining Frequent Patterns of Crime using FP-Growth with Multiple Minimum Supports based on Shannon Entropy. International Journal of Computer Applications. 180, 24 ( Mar 2018), 45-52. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018916577

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%A Joseph Mwangoka
%T Mining Frequent Patterns of Crime using FP-Growth with Multiple Minimum Supports based on Shannon Entropy
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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FP-Growth is one of the most effective and widely used association rules mining algorithm for discovering interesting relations between items in large datasets. Unfortunately, classical FP-Growth mines frequent patterns by using single user-defined minimum support threshold. This is not adequate for real life applications such as crime patterns mining. On one side, if minimum support is set too low, huge amount of crime patterns (including uninteresting patterns) may be generated, and on the other side, if it is set too high lots of interesting patterns (including seasonal patterns) may be lost. This paper proposes the use of Multiple Item Support (MIS) thresholds instead of single minimum support to tackle the challenge. We employ Shannon entropy method to develop an algorithm that obtains MIS values from crime datasets. The proposed approach is tested on different sizes of input data via a developed working prototype. Experimental results show that our suggested approach outperforms classical FP-Growth in terms of running time and memory use.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


FP-Growth Crime Pattern Multiple Minimum Supports Shannon Entropy.