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Reseach Article

A Framework for Cloud Assisted Adaptive Video Streaming to Enhance User QoE

by G. Rajasekaran, K. Keerthiga
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 180 - Number 21
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: G. Rajasekaran, K. Keerthiga

G. Rajasekaran, K. Keerthiga . A Framework for Cloud Assisted Adaptive Video Streaming to Enhance User QoE. International Journal of Computer Applications. 180, 21 ( Feb 2018), 37-43. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018916501

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The drastic increase in the usage of handheld devices like smartphones, tablets, etc., produce huge traffic on the Internet which are mainly due the video streaming services applications. Due to the limitations of resources (Power, Memory, Processing, etc.), numerous design patterns of the mobile devices and heterogeneous users' expectations, it is difficult to handle those video streaming services requests. In order to provide an expected experience to the end user and to reduce the burden of the service providers, cloud computing provides the most easy and viable solution. A novel framework in cloud environment has been proposed in this paper to provide a good trade-off between the service handling as well as the user experience. The framework covers various aspects related to streaming services such as user experience, content distribution and retrieval, power usage, network analysis, video storage, device analysis on static and runtime conditions, parallel service provision and the experience perceived by user.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing Video Streaming Quality of Experience (QoE) Transcoding Cloudlet.