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Self Alteration Detectable Image Log File for Web Forensics

by Vimal Kumar, Akhilendra Pratap Singh, Anjani K. Rai, Manoj Wairiya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 18 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Vimal Kumar, Akhilendra Pratap Singh, Anjani K. Rai, Manoj Wairiya

Vimal Kumar, Akhilendra Pratap Singh, Anjani K. Rai, Manoj Wairiya . Self Alteration Detectable Image Log File for Web Forensics. International Journal of Computer Applications. 18, 5 ( March 2011), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/2284-2960

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Nowadays log file plays vital role in web forensic as digital evidence. Hence security of log file is a major topic of apprehension. In this paper a model of image logging server having alteration detectable capability, is proposed. According to this approach we first convert a text log file into image log file with the help of bit encoding technique and tamper detection capability is achieved by self embedding fragile watermark scheme. If any alteration is done on image log file then due to nature of fragile watermark, one can easily locate that tampered region. Proposed model is also able to ensure all security requirements like Authenticity, Integrity and confidentiality.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Web forensic Cyber forensic fragile watermark self embedding Log file Image logging server