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Design Enhancements in ZRP for Detecting Multiple Black Hole Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

by Raj Shree, Sanjay Kr. Dwivedi, Ravi Prakash Pandey
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 18 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Raj Shree, Sanjay Kr. Dwivedi, Ravi Prakash Pandey

Raj Shree, Sanjay Kr. Dwivedi, Ravi Prakash Pandey . Design Enhancements in ZRP for Detecting Multiple Black Hole Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 18, 5 ( March 2011), 6-10. DOI=10.5120/2283-2959

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%A Raj Shree
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%A Ravi Prakash Pandey
%T Design Enhancements in ZRP for Detecting Multiple Black Hole Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
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Now a day, security in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is very important issue. Due to dynamic topology and mobility of nodes, Mobile Ad hoc Networks are more vulnerable to security attacks than conventional wired and wireless network. Nodes of Mobile Ad hoc Network communicate directly without any central base station. That means in ad hoc network, infrastructure is not required for establishing communication. Mobile ad hoc Network (MANET) is different than wireless sensor network (WSN). Mobile ad hoc network is more vulnerable than WSN. Therefore attacks in MANETs are very frequent than other networks. In this research paper we are describing black hole attacks which are easy to launch in wireless ad hoc network. Black hole attack is referred to as a node dropping all packets and sending forged routing packets to route packets over itself. In this paper, we are considering a zone with multiple black hole nodes that can work co-operatively and we are implementing Secure-ZRP protocol which can be used to prevent black hole attack in MANETs. We evaluated performance in Qualnet simulator. Our analysis indicates that S-ZRP is very suitable & efficient protocol to stop this attack.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


ZRP Secure ZRP protocol