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Electronic Medical Reports Security in Cloud Storage Environment based on Visual Cryptography

by Aparna Lanjekar, Apurva K. Thakur, Yaminee Koli, Jayashree Katti
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 179 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Aparna Lanjekar, Apurva K. Thakur, Yaminee Koli, Jayashree Katti

Aparna Lanjekar, Apurva K. Thakur, Yaminee Koli, Jayashree Katti . Electronic Medical Reports Security in Cloud Storage Environment based on Visual Cryptography. International Journal of Computer Applications. 179, 6 ( Dec 2017), 30-33. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915969

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%A Yaminee Koli
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%T Electronic Medical Reports Security in Cloud Storage Environment based on Visual Cryptography
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Now a day’s cloud computing is the changing way to store, compute and use the data and resources which are stored on the remote servers due its properties such as it provides on demand self-service, robustness, broad network access, measured resources and low cost. But data security is a major issue that prevents users from storing files on the cloud. Every day enormous amount of data is generated in multi-specialist hospitals. This article presents various techniques to protect electronic medical reports (EMR) stored on cloud. If doctors of various specialization want to go through the reports it will be easy for them if those are placed on the cloud. This will also help patient in not carrying the prescriptions or big size reports. This article addresses these issues by proposing Visual Cryptography Scheme (VCS) and multi secret sharing for securing the multiple EMR. In order to prevent issues like breaches and malware attacks on cloud, this innovative scheme helps in high level security to safeguard the files or reports that are stored on the cloud.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing Visual Cryptography Multi Secret Sharing Scheme Electronic Medical Reports (EMR).