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Perceptions of Instructional Video Clips: Effects of the Presence or Absence of a Model in Instructional Video Clips on the Perception of the Model

by Iresh Bandara
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 179 - Number 47
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Iresh Bandara

Iresh Bandara . Perceptions of Instructional Video Clips: Effects of the Presence or Absence of a Model in Instructional Video Clips on the Perception of the Model. International Journal of Computer Applications. 179, 47 ( Jun 2018), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917219

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Instructional videos are increasingly being used for educational purposes in academia. Distant learning is showing a massive growth in recent years and instructional videos are the key element of distance learning. The internet is filled with thousands of instructional video clips. However, characteristics such as the presence of a model in the video tend to differ across videos. This study aims to explore the effects of the presence or absence of a model in instructional video clips on the learners’ perception of the model, self-efficacy beliefs and perceived learning. A total of 78 Sri Lankan information technology undergraduate students participated in the study. Two instructional video clips on professional writing were used for the study; one where the viewers can see the model (video alternates between the model and the slides), and another one where they can only hear the voice of the model. Two video clips were randomly assigned to each participant and data was collected on their perception of the model, self-efficacy beliefs and perceived learning. The results showed that the presence or absence of the model does not have a significant effect on learners’ perception of the model, self-efficacy beliefs or perceived learning. However, both instructional video clips had a positive effect on learners’ self-efficacy.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Instructional video perception online education professional writing writing self-efficacy perceived learning.