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Evaluation of Prequalification Decision Criteria for Selecting Contractors in Nigeria using Analytic Hierarchy Process

by A. H. Afolayan, B. A. Ojokoh, S. A. Adeyinka
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 179 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: A. H. Afolayan, B. A. Ojokoh, S. A. Adeyinka

A. H. Afolayan, B. A. Ojokoh, S. A. Adeyinka . Evaluation of Prequalification Decision Criteria for Selecting Contractors in Nigeria using Analytic Hierarchy Process. International Journal of Computer Applications. 179, 22 ( Feb 2018), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018916397

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In recent years, contractors play a major role in construction projects of buildings, roads, or waterworks under supervision of project owners or employers of these projects. Selecting the most suitable contractor for a construction project is a crucial decision for owners and project managers alike. Ranking the candidate contractors has become a key challenge for firms and enterprises. The study identified and assessed the existing contractors’ decision criteria and then rank the decision criteria used for selecting contractor in Federal Universities in Nigeria with the aim of providing information that could enhance contractor's selection in construction project. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaires. 60 questionnaires were distributed to construction professionals/ staff of which 55 responses were returned and 50 used for analysis. Information gathered includes the major contractors’ prequalification criteria. The collected data were analyzed and rank in order of priority using the AHP interface in Microsoft Excel. The results showed that Technical capability of contractors ranked the most important of the existing pre-qualification criterion followed by Management capability among others. The study concluded that past performance of contractors was the most important existing criterion for contractor pre-qualification in the study area among others while the most determinant factor in the choice of these criteria was contractor's resources, which must be considered in the selection of contractors.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Construction projects contractors Analytic Hierarchy Process prequalification criteria.