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Reseach Article

Implementation of Dynamic Routing OSPF and Loopback IP for Failover IBGP Connections

by Wahyu Efendi, Raka Yusuf
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 178 - Number 37
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Wahyu Efendi, Raka Yusuf

Wahyu Efendi, Raka Yusuf . Implementation of Dynamic Routing OSPF and Loopback IP for Failover IBGP Connections. International Journal of Computer Applications. 178, 37 ( Aug 2019), 31-37. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019919245

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issue_date = { Aug 2019 },
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%T Implementation of Dynamic Routing OSPF and Loopback IP for Failover IBGP Connections
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The Internal Border Gateway Protocol network topology in an internet service company that is not well-designed can affect the convenience of service users such as the length of time the internet network is down when the Internal Border Gateway Protocol network has a problem. Therefore, it is necessary to design an Internal Border Gateway Protocol network topology that can meet the needs of service users. In this case, the internet connection service should always work. This study aims to build a failover system in one of the internet service providers which is PT. Quanta Tunas Abadi using the Network Development Life Cycle approach. The results of Internal Border Gateway Protocol network topology design became a proposal for the development of Internal Border Gateway Protocol networks at the PT. Quanta Tunas Abadi. The results of the implementation of a failover system using the Open Shortest Path First protocol and IP Loopback on the Internal Border Gateway Protocol network have a positive effect of being able to automatically move the Internal Border Gateway Protocol connection path within 3 seconds and the Border Gateway Protocol connection status remains established when the line of the main used is disconnected.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Failover Internal BGP OSPF Loopback IP