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Optimized Replication Management with Reputation for Detecting Collusion in Large Scale Cloud Systems

by Hanane Bennasar, Mohammad Essaaidi, Ahmed Bendahmane, Jalel Ben-othman
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 178 - Number 30
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Hanane Bennasar, Mohammad Essaaidi, Ahmed Bendahmane, Jalel Ben-othman

Hanane Bennasar, Mohammad Essaaidi, Ahmed Bendahmane, Jalel Ben-othman . Optimized Replication Management with Reputation for Detecting Collusion in Large Scale Cloud Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 178, 30 ( Jul 2019), 28-35. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019919186

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title = { Optimized Replication Management with Reputation for Detecting Collusion in Large Scale Cloud Systems },
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%A Hanane Bennasar
%A Mohammad Essaaidi
%A Ahmed Bendahmane
%A Jalel Ben-othman
%T Optimized Replication Management with Reputation for Detecting Collusion in Large Scale Cloud Systems
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Several cloud computing systems used voting techniques to deal with sabotage issues. However, these techniques become inefficient, and present some new security vulnerabilities when malicious resources collude and return the same wrong result. Usually, this kind of security threats are handled using several techniques and approaches such as voting techniques. In this paper, a very efficient approach to overcome sabotage issues is proposed, especially in the case of very complex attacks. The performances of this approach are evaluated in a cloud system model and it is compared against other voting techniques, like reputation-based voting, using simulations which allowed to investigate the effect of collusive cloud resources on the correctness of the results. The obtained results show that the proposed approach achieves lower error rates and enhanced performances in terms of overhead and slowdown.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing Cloud model Voting Collusion Attacks