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Has the Implementation of Learning Management System Facilitated Faculty Pedagogy Change?

by Hannah Ayaba Tanye, Albert Akanlisikum Akanferi, Isaac Asampana
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 178 - Number 27
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Hannah Ayaba Tanye, Albert Akanlisikum Akanferi, Isaac Asampana

Hannah Ayaba Tanye, Albert Akanlisikum Akanferi, Isaac Asampana . Has the Implementation of Learning Management System Facilitated Faculty Pedagogy Change?. International Journal of Computer Applications. 178, 27 ( Jun 2019), 31-38. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019918996

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Various research in literature on pedagogical change focused on the effect of professional development programs on pedagogical change. These researches focused on faculty resistance to change and teaching practice by faculty in the classrooms. Some universities in Ghana, have deployed Learning Management Systems (LMS) to aid in the pedagogy change. These universities have deployed various ways to get faculty to use the system but these have had little effect. The current research will focus on whether faculty is comfortable with technology provided to enable them change their pedagogy. The research will also look at their current pedagogical practices. The research will focus on higher educational institutions in Ghana using the University of Professional Studies as a case study. The research seeks to answer the question, “has the implementation of learning management system facilitated faculty pedagogy change?” The study used a quantitative method, specifically a survey was done with a sample of 98 faculty members from the University of Professional Studies, Accra. The study found that majority agreed that the Moodle features is averagely helpful to them, and also that the features of the systems has helped them in their teaching.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


pedagogy Moodle learning management system teaching university theories