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The Effects of the Naval Profession on the Seafarers' Mental Health

by Dimitrios Christodoulou, Nikitas Nikitakos, Dimitrios Papachristos
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 178 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Dimitrios Christodoulou, Nikitas Nikitakos, Dimitrios Papachristos

Dimitrios Christodoulou, Nikitas Nikitakos, Dimitrios Papachristos . The Effects of the Naval Profession on the Seafarers' Mental Health. International Journal of Computer Applications. 178, 24 ( Jun 2019), 7-14. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019919035

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title = { The Effects of the Naval Profession on the Seafarers' Mental Health },
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Shipping constitutes a unique workplace where workers (seafarers) are confronted with many different stress / pressure factors. The naval profession is characterized by many as a very peculiar profession however, the seafarers work on board is not particularly difficult or heavy, at least when compared to other shore-based operations. However, in general terms, the peculiar nature of this profession is mainly due to the more general conditions under which the seafarer’s work is carried out on board. The workplace and the conditions prevailing in it play a key role in the lives of most workers, since a significant part of the time of life is spent there. The ship is a peculiar workplace that shows a number of adversities, which we rarely encounter in other professions. At the same time, working and living on board and interacting with the outside environment poses risks that the crew needs to learn to prevent, locate and deal with. The purpose of this research is to study the effects of the naval profession on the psychosomatic condition of seafarers, identify possible causes that cause specific symptoms, and possible ways to address or minimize their impact on the working navy. Also, the role of maritime education and training in this subject will be examined.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Working space peculiar space adversities mental health physical health occupational stress marine education and training.