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Satisfaction, Perceived Usability and Trust Impact on Website Trustworthiness

by Rakesh Kumar, Afshan Ejaz, Syed Asim Ali
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 178 - Number 23
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Rakesh Kumar, Afshan Ejaz, Syed Asim Ali

Rakesh Kumar, Afshan Ejaz, Syed Asim Ali . Satisfaction, Perceived Usability and Trust Impact on Website Trustworthiness. International Journal of Computer Applications. 178, 23 ( Jun 2019), 50-57. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019919106

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Excessive use of Internet has transformed the way business activities are conducted as consequences consumer trustworthiness and consumer satisfaction got a new urge.Some researchers have proved that consumer’s satisfaction can solely be achieved by usability Moreover, It is also suggested that usability can be beneficial to improve trust levels because the ease of use of a system extends more understanding and a greater capacity to infer how the system will act. Thus, usability may improve trust levels as well.This research study focuses on the aspects that influence the customer trustworthiness for a website. 5 hypotheses are designed and a research survey is conducted to test the hypothesis. General terms Human Computer Interaction, Software Engineering

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  30. /
  31. Figure 17:This is my favorite site for purchasing the products and services in this Internet category
  32. /
  33. Figure 18:The frequency with which I visit other websites that offer similar products and services is much less
  34. /
  35. Figure 19:I don’t usually purchase products and services from this category from other websites
  36. /
  37. Figure 20:In general terms, I am satisfied with the way that this website has carried out transactions
  38. /
  39. Figure 21:In general, I am satisfied with the service I have received from the website
  40. /
  41. Figure 22:I think that the advice and recommendations given on this website are made in search of mutual benefit
  42. /
  43. Figure 23:I think that this website is concerned with the present and future interests of its users
  44. /
  45. Figure 24:I think that this website would not do anything intentional that would prejudice the user
  46. /
  47. Figure 25:I think that this website has sufficient experience in the marketing of the products and services that it offers
  48. /
  49. Figure 26:I think I can have confidence in the promises that this website makes
  50. /
  51. Figure 27:I think that this website takes into account the repercussions that their actions could have on the consumer
  52. /
  53. Figure 28:I think that this website has the necessary abilities to carry out its work
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Perceived Usability Satisfaction Trust Trustworthiness