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Bio-inspired Security Scheme for IoT Technology

by Charles O. Muango, Jairus O. Malenje, Qu Shaojian
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 178 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Charles O. Muango, Jairus O. Malenje, Qu Shaojian

Charles O. Muango, Jairus O. Malenje, Qu Shaojian . Bio-inspired Security Scheme for IoT Technology. International Journal of Computer Applications. 178, 19 ( Jun 2019), 13-18. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019918960

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There is a general consensus among scholars and ICT practitioners that the evolution of technology in today’s world has advanced [1] to a level where communication between individuals and abstract objects is possible under the framework of Internet of Things (IoT). However, due to security threats and constrained resources (such as memory, power and processing capacity), applying traditional approaches of security on these category of devices has become a challenge to ICT professionals in this era of cybersecurity. Therefore, this study proposes a flexible solution that can be used to classify IoT devices into operational domains, whereby a meta-heuristic Nature-Inspired Firefly algorithm is used to tune parameters for the various domains to prevent attacks from spilling all over the entire community of IoT devices. With this approach, no device shall be allowed to communicate outside its domain. The proposed technique is modeled on the behavior of the firefly that uses its light intensity to communicate to friends and frighten off impostors or enemies. Through iterative simulations done, we were able to achieve constant light intensity (attractiveness) with different bands. Our findings revealed a fast and improved convergence rate as compared to other nature inspired algorithms. Therefore, we recommend that these bands can be allocated to the various IoT domains. Limitations of the study and future directions are well addressed.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IoT Cyber-security Firefly Domain Light-intensity