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Reseach Article

Botnet and Botnet Detection Techniques

by Rimsha Malik, Bhavya Alankar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 178 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Rimsha Malik, Bhavya Alankar

Rimsha Malik, Bhavya Alankar . Botnet and Botnet Detection Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 178, 17 ( Jun 2019), 8-11. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019918967

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The biggest danger to the world of cyber from the past twenty years is botnet which is also responsible for the cases of cyber-crimes lately. A botnet is the network of destructive computers or devices which are managed by the botmaster and the victims are not aware of it. The botnets are generally used by spammers for stealing of data from users of internet worldwide. This paper is an analysis about the existences of the botnet and its management .The world has not got sufficient data and a convincing procedure for detecting a botnet. The hazard of Botnet is not strange to anyone as they are existing from a long time, there is a lot of research that need to be done to put a check on them. Nowadays the things are adding on to check the botnet in the server.A lot of research work has been done on botnet detection ways. However researchers haveadvised ways that are distant from each other on botnets.

  1. S. Anwar, J.M. Zain, M.F. Zolkipli and Z. Inayat, “A Review paper on Botnet and Botnet Detection Techniques in Cloud Computing,” 2014.
  2. N. Hackem, Y.B. Mustapha, G. Granadillo and H. Derbar, “Botnets: Lifecycle and Taxanomy”, 2011.
  3. M. Feily, A. Shahrestani, and S. Ramadass, “A Survey of Botnet and Botnet Detection,” Third Int. Conf. Emerg. Secur. Information, Syst. Technol., 2009.
  4. B. Saha and A, Gairola, “Botnet: An overview,” CERT-In White PaperCIWP-2005-05, 2005.
  5. Gunter Ollmann, “Botnet Communication Topologies,” Damballa Inc.,2010.
  6. Z. Zhu, G. Lu, Y. Chen, Z. J. Fu, P.Roberts, K. Han, "Botnet Research Survey," in Proc. 32nd Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Software and Applications (COMPSAC '08), 2008.
  7. J. R Binkley and S. Singh. “An algorithm for anomaly based Botnet detection”. In proceedings of USENIXSRUTI’06, pages 43-48, July 2006.
  8. M. Bailey, E. Cooke, F. Jahanian, Y. Xu, and A. Arbor, “A Survey of Botnet Technology and Defenses,” 2006.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Bot agents honeynets botmaster threat command and control server (C&C)