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Comprehensive Study and Overview of Vehicular Ad-HOC Networks (VANETs) in Current Scenario with Respect to Realistic Vehicular Environment

by Debjyoti Saha, Pravin Wararkar, Shashikant Patil
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 178 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Debjyoti Saha, Pravin Wararkar, Shashikant Patil

Debjyoti Saha, Pravin Wararkar, Shashikant Patil . Comprehensive Study and Overview of Vehicular Ad-HOC Networks (VANETs) in Current Scenario with Respect to Realistic Vehicular Environment. International Journal of Computer Applications. 178, 15 ( May 2019), 26-40. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019918910

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Ad- Hoc networks are random networks which are user friendly to any nodes. Vehicular Ad-hoc network is a type of Ad-hoc network composing of vehicle associated with wireless communication. Wireless ad-hoc network consists of base transmission station, background server, and other processing software. Based on these things, this paper introduces about the VANETs, MANETs and newly FANETs. Firstly, this paper consist of Introduction to Ad-hoc networks, VANETs and its protocol, FANETs and MANETs and protocol. Apart from this the Network simulations are also includes ns-3. Evaluates about the routing protocols used in VANETs and network simulators such as ns-2 and ns-3. At last, it gives the information about the efficiency in the Quality of Service section.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


VANETs MANETs Routing Protocols Network Simulators and QoS.