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Perception Analysis of Consumers towards the usage of Sustainable Organic Food Products in Indian Subcontinent

by Ratna Banerjee, Remica Aggarwal, Veena Aggarwal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 178 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Ratna Banerjee, Remica Aggarwal, Veena Aggarwal

Ratna Banerjee, Remica Aggarwal, Veena Aggarwal . Perception Analysis of Consumers towards the usage of Sustainable Organic Food Products in Indian Subcontinent. International Journal of Computer Applications. 178, 14 ( May 2019), 48-55. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019918915

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Present study tries to explore and analyse interesting aspects related to consumer behaviour , perceptions and attitudes about organic food products in Indian sub-continent . It also relates such consumption patterns with the consumers’ understanding and points of view towards organic food as well as their demographic, socio-economic, purchasing patterns and consumption patterns profiles. Based on the conceptual framework which identify the required criteria that influences the consumer perceptions and attitude towards organic food products, data is collected from randomly selected organic food consumers through online as well as offline survey and using semi-structured questionnaire. A detailed data analysis using exploratory factor analysis is then performed using the SPSS software and results are presented.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Organic food products sustainability purchasing patterns consumption patterns {Note : This paper is an extended version of the paper titled Aggarwal R. and Banerjee R.“A Conceptual Framework to measure customer experience towards organic food products in India” ( with Banerjee R. ) presented at ICSMS IMT Nagpur 2018 }