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The Development of Intelligent Transport System as Innovative Efforts to the Warning System Violation of Traffic Signs

by Marson James Budiman, Stephy Walukow, Anthoinete P. Y. Waroh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Marson James Budiman, Stephy Walukow, Anthoinete P. Y. Waroh

Marson James Budiman, Stephy Walukow, Anthoinete P. Y. Waroh . The Development of Intelligent Transport System as Innovative Efforts to the Warning System Violation of Traffic Signs. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 7 ( Nov 2017), 35-38. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915804

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title = { The Development of Intelligent Transport System as Innovative Efforts to the Warning System Violation of Traffic Signs },
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Violation of the signs are traffic signs that are installed in each road segment that occurs often due to the physical condition of signs, namely the position of traffic signs mounted not clearly observed by motorists because of the condition signs that have been damaged, there was a widening of the road which can eliminate the position of the signs as well as the bad behavior of motorists who deliberately violate the rules so that this condition resulted in the occurrence of traffic congestion and accidents. Based on these events, the need for the system the giver of the cue of traffic signs for road users especially motorists that can provide information quickly when a rider pass through the roads which are the object of the placement of traffic signs. The test results showed that the system created can detect the position of the traffic signs detected by the GPS by comparing the set point position coordinates of the traffic signs in each object the placement of signs. As for the sample types of traffic signs which become the object of research is the Traffic light intersection of three and four, prohibited parking, prohibited to turn left and right, with the distance of the response system 25m – 30m to the traffic signs, when the detected object traffic signs, the system will give an indication of the form of a voice according to the character and type of signs that are detected. Testing the response of the system was conducted by testing three provider service provider access GPS signals, respectively, for the Tri, Telkomsel, and Indosat, the average access time of 11.3 seconds. This application is expected to facilitate the motorists to find out the presence of signs-traffic signs accompanied by features media player (voice), in order to increase the quality of the management of traffic.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Traffic signs Management Traffic GPS Traker