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The Implementation of Image Smoothing to Reduce Noise using Gaussian Filter

by Ina Agustina, Fauziah Nasir, Anggit Setiawan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Ina Agustina, Fauziah Nasir, Anggit Setiawan

Ina Agustina, Fauziah Nasir, Anggit Setiawan . The Implementation of Image Smoothing to Reduce Noise using Gaussian Filter. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 5 ( Nov 2017), 15-19. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915755

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title = { The Implementation of Image Smoothing to Reduce Noise using Gaussian Filter },
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%A Ina Agustina
%A Fauziah Nasir
%A Anggit Setiawan
%T The Implementation of Image Smoothing to Reduce Noise using Gaussian Filter
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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%P 15-19
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

Nowadays information is very important and needed, especially for an image, but an image that we have often contains noise, such as black and white grains. To overcome this problem, it is possible to use image smoothing that image captured becomes smoother and is easier to be seen by one’s eyes. The method used is Gaussian filtering. Gaussian filtering aims to decreace noise in an image. In this study, it uses an image affected by noise which is belong to Gaussian noise, Salt and Pepper noise, and Speckle noise. This study aims to smooth an image by decreasing noise on an image affected by noise that it becomes better than before. From the result of image reduction, it is possible to get the best image which has high value (RMSE:19.2960 db, PSNR:35.2761 db, SNR:30.9538 db) and in the experiment 1. jpg has a low value (RMSE:1185.5739 db, PSNR:17.3915db, SNR:13.2861db).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image Smoothing Gaussian Filtering Noise reduction