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Reseach Article

A Prediction Algorithm for Cloud Integrated Smart Parking System to Search Vacant Parking Spot using Internet of Things

by Sifat Rahman Ahona, Naima Hassan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 46
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Sifat Rahman Ahona, Naima Hassan

Sifat Rahman Ahona, Naima Hassan . A Prediction Algorithm for Cloud Integrated Smart Parking System to Search Vacant Parking Spot using Internet of Things. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 46 ( Mar 2020), 30-35. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020919984

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title = { A Prediction Algorithm for Cloud Integrated Smart Parking System to Search Vacant Parking Spot using Internet of Things },
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In recent years it has been observed that the approach of smart city has been increased. It is because of the growing portion of IoT devices for consumers. In order to boost the productiveness and authenticity of metropolitan framework persistent attempts are being made in the field of IoT. Traffic congestion, Road blockage, restricted parking and road safety are some issues that has come forward in IoT. In this paper, a single platform smart parking system integrated to cloud based on IoT is presented. The proposed Smart Parking system comprises certain inventive technologies that can administer car parking automatically. This research also proposes a prediction algorithm to improve efficiency of searching and booking of vacant parking spot and also implements a prototype with Wi-Fi access on a single platform established on Arduino where using a smart phone the system and the vehicle will get an interface to validate the workability of the proposed system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


IOT Smart parking wireless applications Cloud.