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A Co-operative Fog-based Load Balance (CFBLB) Strategy

by Mary M. Fouad, Ahmed I. Saleh, Mohamed F. EL-Rahamawy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 41
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Mary M. Fouad, Ahmed I. Saleh, Mohamed F. EL-Rahamawy

Mary M. Fouad, Ahmed I. Saleh, Mohamed F. EL-Rahamawy . A Co-operative Fog-based Load Balance (CFBLB) Strategy. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 41 ( Mar 2020), 15-21. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020919764

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title = { A Co-operative Fog-based Load Balance (CFBLB) Strategy },
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%T A Co-operative Fog-based Load Balance (CFBLB) Strategy
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The most factor affects the performance of fog computing is load balancing which means resource management, it is significant to get a satisfying implementation of fog computing. The existing algorithms of LB in a fog computing environment are not extremely active. today, to predict the user requests arrivals on the fog manager is not possible so Load balancing is a complex mission. Each machine has different characteristics, So the job scheduling process among nodes turns into a very hard process Lately, load balancing is the main goal to many researchers in fog computing which means resource management. that produce many algorithms to achieve this goal such as dynamic Algorithm, the proposed algorithm used to improve load balance model for the fog. This algorithm is being introduced to improve resource utilization and response time in the fog environment, which applies fuzzy inference with load scheduling that takes advantage of Fuzzy Logic. by using java The output produced refinement on resource utilization and processing time.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Load balancing fog computing Fuzzy inference Virtualization.