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Assessment of Quality of Internet Service Delivery in Selected Southwestern Universities in Nigeria

by Bosede B. Fasiku, Michael O. Awoleye, Timothy O. Oyebisi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 34
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Bosede B. Fasiku, Michael O. Awoleye, Timothy O. Oyebisi

Bosede B. Fasiku, Michael O. Awoleye, Timothy O. Oyebisi . Assessment of Quality of Internet Service Delivery in Selected Southwestern Universities in Nigeria. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 34 ( Jan 2020), 27-33. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020919819

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This study examines types of Internet services available, frequency of use of the same, and also determines the quality of Internet delivered in the selected Universities in Southwestern Nigeria. The research design employed by this study is survey method, using questionnaire instrument. Three universities were selected, these include: Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Ile-Ife, Ekiti State University (EKSU) Ado-Ekiti and BOWEN University (BU), Iwo. The research adopted reliability, responsiveness, tangibility, empathy and assurance as metrics to measure the dynamics of the services delivered in the selected universities. The research purposively sampled four hundred academic and non-academic staff including students in the selected universities. The findings show that Internet services which are mostly web related were present in the selected Institutions. The research specifically indicated that 97.6% of the respondents use World Wide Web (WWW), followed by e-mail (87.3%) and instant messaging (54.6%). Daily use of WWW mainly characterises the frequency of use of the services. This is followed by e-mail, which is been used daily and sometimes weekly. The overall quality of Internet services delivered was noted to be somewhat impressive when considering some indicators such as responsiveness and competencies of the staff responsible to providing the service. On the other hand, when considering information management, especially dissemination of information to users regarding downtime, schedule maintenance and other forms of bottlenecks were noted to be poor. It is therefore imperative for the stakeholders in the higher institutions, especially the top management to ensure that they continue to support free flow of Internet services, since this has the tendency to impact the productivity of the members of the University community at large.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Internet services Quality of Service Internet assessment Nigeria Universities.