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Design of a Recognition System Automatic Vehicle License Plate through a Convolution Neural Network

by P. Rajendra, K. Sudheer Kumar, Rahul Boadh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: P. Rajendra, K. Sudheer Kumar, Rahul Boadh

P. Rajendra, K. Sudheer Kumar, Rahul Boadh . Design of a Recognition System Automatic Vehicle License Plate through a Convolution Neural Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 3 ( Nov 2017), 47-54. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915703

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title = { Design of a Recognition System Automatic Vehicle License Plate through a Convolution Neural Network },
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issue_date = { Nov 2017 },
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%T Design of a Recognition System Automatic Vehicle License Plate through a Convolution Neural Network
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The present work is a study on the practical application of Learning process (Deep Learning) in the development of a system of Automatic recognition of vehicle license plates. These systems commonly referred to as ALPR (Automatic License Plate Recognition) - are able to recognize the content of vehicles from the images captured by a camera. The system proposed in this work is based on an image classifier developed through supervised learning techniques with convolution neural network. These networks are one of the most profound learning architectures and are specifically designed to solve artificial vision, such as pattern recognition and classification of images. This paper also examines basic processing techniques and Image segmentation - such as smoothing filters, contour detection - necessary for the proposed system to be able to extract the contents of the license plates for further analysis and classification. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of an ALPR system based on a convolution neural network, noting the critical importance it has to design a network architecture and training data set appropriate to the problem to be solved.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Convolution Neural Network Deep Learning ALPR