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Reseach Article

Design an Android-based Chemical Bond Application

by Muhammad Zulfadhilah, Nur Hidayah, Muhammad Syahid Pebriadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 29
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Muhammad Zulfadhilah, Nur Hidayah, Muhammad Syahid Pebriadi

Muhammad Zulfadhilah, Nur Hidayah, Muhammad Syahid Pebriadi . Design an Android-based Chemical Bond Application. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 29 ( Jan 2020), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020919754

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title = { Design an Android-based Chemical Bond Application },
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%A Muhammad Syahid Pebriadi
%T Design an Android-based Chemical Bond Application
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Chemical bonds are one of the basic materials and are important in understanding the mechanisms and chemical reactions and other materials such as stoichiometry and so on. Chemistry bonding material is studied and understood starting from junior high school up to undergraduate students for the science majors at tertiary institutions. The many types of chemical bonds that may occur in the joining of two or more elements make the most of the learning for this material more difficult. In this paper the research designs and builds an application by applying the basics of chemical bonds as learning innovations to facilitate the understanding of studying chemistry. This application is designed using the SDLC (System Development Lite Cycle) system development model or system development life cycle. The SDLC model to be used is the systematic, sequential waterfall method in building software from this research. For the programming language used is Java and uses the MySql Database.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Android application Chemical Association Java Mysql