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Human Action Recognition through the First-Person Point of view, Case Study Two Basic Task

by Mohammad Almasi, Hamed Fathi, Sayed Adel Ghaeinian, Samaneh Samiee
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Mohammad Almasi, Hamed Fathi, Sayed Adel Ghaeinian, Samaneh Samiee

Mohammad Almasi, Hamed Fathi, Sayed Adel Ghaeinian, Samaneh Samiee . Human Action Recognition through the First-Person Point of view, Case Study Two Basic Task. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 24 ( Dec 2019), 19-23. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019919703

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title = { Human Action Recognition through the First-Person Point of view, Case Study Two Basic Task },
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issue_date = { Dec 2019 },
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%A Mohammad Almasi
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%A Sayed Adel Ghaeinian
%A Samaneh Samiee
%T Human Action Recognition through the First-Person Point of view, Case Study Two Basic Task
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In this study, a human motion dataset is built and developed based on indoors and outdoors actions through a bounded-on-head camera and Xsens for tracking the motions. The key point here to structuring the dataset is utilized to set the sequence of a Deep Neural Network and order an arrangement of frames in the performed task (washing, eating, etc.). As a final point, a 3D modeling of the person suggested at every frame centered with the comparable structure of the first network. More than 120,000 frames constructed the dataset, taken from 7 different people, each one acting out different tasks in diverse indoor and outdoor scenarios. The sequences of every video frame were 3D synchronized and segmented 23 parts.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Machine learning deep learning Computer vision LSTM Recurrent neural network ResNet motion recognition.