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Reseach Article

Functional Evaluation Framework for Nigerian University Websites

by Abubakar Aliyu Machina, Li Songjiang
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 21
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Abubakar Aliyu Machina, Li Songjiang

Abubakar Aliyu Machina, Li Songjiang . Functional Evaluation Framework for Nigerian University Websites. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 21 ( Dec 2019), 1-9. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019919610

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Institutions of learning adopt the use of Websites to portray their activities and provide an easy avenue of communication between all stakeholders (i.e. students, parents, academic & non-academic staff, and the general public). However, most academic institutions set to undermine/underutilize the power of this important tool. Therefore, a multi-facet approach is adopted to review related literature, analyzed and benchmark world top ranking university websites, exploring their unique features and functionalities. This study proposed a standard functional evaluation framework considered to be valid, reliable and efficient in evaluating the quality of university websites across distinct dimensions and put to test the framework by evaluating the first- and second-generation universities in Nigeria. The evaluation results suggested some of the characteristics that are lacking or need improvements.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Website Evaluation framework Functional University/Academic Websites Usability Engineering.