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Mitigating Examination Malpractices in Nigerian Universities using an Enhanced Automated Essay Scoring System

by Tina Ngozi Olisa, Friday Eleonu Onuodu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Tina Ngozi Olisa, Friday Eleonu Onuodu

Tina Ngozi Olisa, Friday Eleonu Onuodu . Mitigating Examination Malpractices in Nigerian Universities using an Enhanced Automated Essay Scoring System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 18 ( Nov 2019), 32-38. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019919640

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Education, being a process of teaching and learning is evaluated through examination at the end of the learning period. Examinations not only serves as a feedback for the trainer to ascertain the level of knowledge acquired but also serves as a measure of knowledge retention by the trainee. Any misconduct or irregularity distorts this feedback mechanism and gives a false outcome of the learning process and has negative consequences. In Nigeria, examination malpractice has reached an alarming stage and in recent times this concern has been echoed across the country. Many suggestions on containing the crisis focus on correcting the attitude of students, teachers and the government but the situation seems to have worsened as implementation of these recommendations remain a challenge. In this research, an alternative approach which is the use of Automated Essay Scoring technique for assessing student’s examinations is proposed. This approach would significantly discourage examination malpractice and provide better control, accuracy and efficiency in examinations.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Education Examination Malpractice Educational Institution Automated Essay Scoring.